Web development
OriginalAppz advises and supports your projects in developing business web applications, designing, and creating business software.
Companies, regardless of their industry or size, have needs for business applications to manage their sales, customer relations, procurement, HR, production, finance, and the creation of dashboards with key indicators, queries, data exports, screen or PDF prints, and more.
By using a web application, you can automate your business processes. Web applications are accessible from anywhere and on any connected device. Their deployment is simple, as they are installed on an external server and can be used simultaneously by multiple users via a standard web browser after authentication.
At OriginalAppz, we have tackled various business challenges and helped our clients optimize their processes.
For example, transitioning from a manual process to a digital or automated one to avoid double entries, setting up reporting tools (database exports, generating reports at a specific time, query tools, etc.), or establishing validation workflows for information.
These experiences allow us to bring valuable input to your projects. We also ensure the corrective and evolutionary maintenance of existing business applications.
Based on an analysis of your needs and the drafting of a specific project brief, we develop your business application by following a structured project management approach.
Our developers leverage their technological expertise to code your applications in compliance with web standards and ensure the security of your data.